52-Week Money Challenge with FREE Printable

Are you having trouble saving money? Or do you want to start saving but don’t know where to start? Challenge yourself to this 52-Week Money Challenge with FREE Printable.

52-week money challenge

What is 52-week money challenge?

If you have not heard of 52-week money challenge, it is a challenge in which you are challenged to set aside a pre-determined amount of money every week for 52 weeks.

The original 52-week money challenge

The original 52-week money challenge starts with $1 for Week 1 then $2 for Week 2, $3 for Week 3, and so on. In the last week, you set aside $52. At the end of 52 weeks, you will have accumulated $1,378.

How is THIS 52-week money challenge designed?

This 52-week money challenge is designed a little different. You will notice that this challenge starts with the highest weekly contribution amount, reduces in subsequent weeks then increases to the highest weekly contribution amount and repeats.

The reason it is designed in this pattern is that I often see people have a lot of money when they receive their paychecks at the beginning of the month. After they spend on bills and themselves, as the month progresses, they run out of money. By immediately putting aside the largest weekly amount right when you get your paycheck, it allows you to pay yourself and your future first. Then as the month progresses, you don’t have to feel too pressured to contribute when you’re low on cash.

What makes this money challenge challenging?

The challenge many people face when they try to save money is not the saving part. It is more about consistence and discipline. This challenge repeats the cycle, creating a habit. $1 is too easy. Let’s go with $200 first.

How to use this Printable?

Because the first week has the highest amount of weekly contribution, it is recommended to use it on the week that you receive your paycheck/payment. You can also switch around the weeks to match with the months. Try to keep $200 on the week that you receive income or payment.

I recommend storing your money saved in this challenge in a High Yield Savings account so you can earn extra money too.

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